There are 2 main gum disease Gingivitis (gum inflammation) & Periodontitis (gum disease).
Gingivitis usually occurs before Periodontitis. All gingivitis does not convert into Periodontitis.
Our mouth has bacteria, when some food particle is left inside our mouth because of not brushing properly or flossing etc then
Sticky film of bacteria and food called plaque builds around your tooth.
After 72 hours plaque hardens into tartar forms along the gum line and becomes difficult to clean it. Over time, this build up irritates and inflames your gums called gingivitis.
The inner layer of gum & bone pull away from the teeth and form pocket (space between gum & teeth). These small space collects debris and become infected. Now our immune system starts fighting with the bacteria present in plaque,
in this fight Bacteria & good enzymes involved in fighting produces toxins & poisons, which breaks down the bone & connective tissue that holds the tooth in place. Now as the disease progresses, the pocket deepens which results into loose teeth further into teeth loss.
Gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss in adult.
NO, although gingivitis has mild symptoms so people ignore this but if not treated may lead to serious mouth disease.
And Gingivitis (gum inflammation) usually occurs before periodontitis (gum disease).
Gingivitis can be reversed & gum disease can stopped from getting worse
If the disease is at beginning or moderate stage then, by maintaining oral hygiene and with proper medication this condition can be reversed.